Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Weight-loss Wednesday

I got my wog (walk + jog = wog) on today and Monday. I'm sticking to my 3 miles a day, 3x's a week. And I feel good.  I wanted to take a picture of the sunrise this morning but it was cloudy. I am officially on Christmas break! School resumes on January 7th so I've got until then to fully plan out my exercise schedule and eating plan. I've been reading and researching so that I can put together a plan that's good for me.

I must remember this when my calves start to hurt. Keep. Going.

I've got some exciting news to share tomorrow! Well, exciting for me anyway! :)

 I'm off to watch The Hobbit in a bit! 

Happy Wednesday, friends!


  1. I am going to try to exercise more and eat better. It's time I lost some of this baby weight, she's only 18 months old....I'm such a slacker. I did download a funny e-book that is called, I Hate Running. You might enjoy it.

    1. It's not easy but it is possible. I am going to make small changes at a time. I decided on Weight-loss Wednesday to keep me accountable and to share what I'm doing. Thanks for the book suggestion, Shannon! I'll check it out! :)

  2. You are inspiring me! I am going to go with your 3 miles/ 3x a week plan of "wogging". I think that's a nice place to start. What do you do as far as your eating plan?

    Jen's Kinder Kids


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