Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Hi, y'all!

Quick post just to check in. This post comes to you via my phone. First time blogging from here so I hope it doesn't mess up. My computer is acting up again and doesn't want to start. :(

I have been well, I hope you have been, too. I know the flu is going around so I hope y'all have been washing your hands like crazy and staying healthy.

Students here returned to school on Jan 7 and I am still waiting to hear about the tutoring program I am suppose to start. I have made numerous calls to the home office to see what is going on. I was told once I spoke to a principal, my name would be sent to the home office and I would need to get approved. I spoke to the principal a few days before Christmas break and I am still waiting. Long story short, I along with the secretary and the principal from the school have been calling the home office to see what the delay is. I have not been able to reach anyone but was told there need to be like 5 signatures for approval. How long does it take to sign a paper? It's been a month. I am frustrated with the situation and anxious to start. Of course I need the money but the ones that are truly suffering are the kids because the STAAR test is coming up soon and they need help now.

Can I ask you to join me in prayer? Let's ask God to speed up the process and that the people who need to sign get it done. Thank you! :)

While I've been waiting I've been working on my to-do list. Although, I scratch something out and then add 3 more. I have cleaned out and switched two closets. I watched 6 seasons of FRIENDS.
I also caught up on Nashville. It's my new favorite show!!

Here are a few things on my list:

1. Arrange Pinterest boards.
2. Clean up who I'm following on Twitter and FB.
3. Continue researching schools in San Antonio. I'm hoping to apply soon.
4. Work on portfolio.
5. Make over my desk chair. Have you seen Ms. Fultz's office makeover? Love!

Anything computer related will have to wait if my computer does not cooperate.

I have officially moved my weight loss Wednesdays to Saturday. It's just easier with the plan I'm going to follow. So I will see you on Saturday.

Have an awesome Friday, friends! The weekend is near! Whoo!


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