Saturday, January 19, 2013

I couldn't think of a cool title for this post

Another post via my phone. My computer is still not cooperating so I can't do the weight loss check in like I wanted. I'm still trying to figure out a name for my Saturday check ins. 'Slim Saturday'? No.


Guess who starts the new tutoring job on Monday? Yup, no three day weekend for me but I am excited! I'm meeting with the principal on Monday to discuss my schedule. It's only 18 hours a week so I hope we can work something out where I'll be free to sub two days a week.

I'm praying God uses my life to bless the 5th graders I'll be working with. We're going to kick the STAAR's butt!

Enjoy your 3 day weekend, friends!



  1. Ugh...STAAR! I feel like it's all I do now.

    But, CONGRATS on the job! Hopefully it will lead to awesome things for you:)

  2. So sorry your computer is being fussy, I hate when that happens! I'm so glad that you found my blog, yours is just fabulous! What about Good-Bye Fatterday, Hello Saturday for your posts? Haha! Sorry, that was the best I could come up with. XO


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