Hey y'all! It's my favorite season!
It's been a LONG time since I have blogged and I am SOOO SORRY! School has been CRAY-ZAY!
I can't believe it's October 19th already. This school year is flying by!
I have been a bad blogger and have not taken many pictures of my classroom. There's so much to do! I did get a new phone, and I am in love! I made the change to a Galaxy S4. Now that I have a new toy to play with, I'll take more pictures!
I do have a few I'd like to share.
WARNING: Photo dump ahead
The week before last we learned about the phases of the moon. Of course we used cookies!
I prepared baggies with 7 cookies and a spoon!
Kiddos at work!
Their favorite part was when they got to eat them!
We also did some Past, Present, Future sorting.
I made my kiddos some personalized bookmarks. Black and white, printed on colored card stock. Easy, peasy.
I also made these cute tags for my hallway bulletin board but they are not quite finished.
And speaking of unfinished, here's my hallway bulletin board. I'm working on it!
We made Fact and Opinion spiders!
We had to decorate our doors for our Egyptian book fair and here's what I came up with. lol
I did a little shopping at our book fair and I finally got my hands on this book. I'll start reading it tonight!
I realized this week that my blogiversary was on October 13. I have been so busy with school, I've really neglected my blog and I hate that I have. But a celebration is in order! If you would like to contribute to my upcoming giveaway, please let me know. I'll figure out how to make a Google form and I'll send it your way.
Thank you so much for reading my blog, you are GREATLY appreciated!
Be sure to follow me on Instagram. I post there more often than I blog. :)
Just search TheTeacherDiaries