Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Currently! OMG, it's July!

My goodness! Where did June go?! This summer is going by WAY too fast! 
But a new month means a new currently and I am excited to link up once again with Farley

I am a wee bit obsessed with Hunter Hayes right now. 
Just a little. 
Look at that face! Swoon. Wait, he's at least 21, right?

 I'm tutoring at the Eden Learning Center. I have two sessions so I only work form 1-3pm. I get to sleep. I have 2 kiddos working on Math who will start 3rd grade in the Fall and 3 kiddos working on Reading. One is starting 3rd grade, the other two are starting 5th grade. I am grateful not only that I am making some money during the summer but that I am able to help these struggling kiddos. 

I just ordered this baby! 
MyBinding.com is having a spectacular 4th of July sale! Original price is $49.95, it's on sale for $24.99! It needs to hurry up so I can start laminatin'! I also got some pouches, 100 for $9.99!
Oh and if you subscribe to their mailing list, they give $5 off your next purchase!

 I got all my goodies (shipping included) for less than $50!  

 I posted a picture on Instagram but I'm sure most of you don't know. Last Monday while I was at work, someone backed into my car (I drive a Plymouth Breeze) with a truck. 
 Something like this.
 It even has extended mirrors and they still didn't see my car?!

Not only did they back into my car and damage my trunk, they just left.

The only reason I know who did it was because some girls in the office next door, heard the impact and rushed to the window to see. They took a picture of the truck and wrote down their license plate number. Long story short, I filed a police report and they found who did it. Turns out the driver did not have a license but truck is insured. So right now I am just waiting for it to be resolved. I spoke to someone on Friday and they said it's under investigation. Both ladies I have spoken to so far are appalled that someone would hit and run. Unfortunately, that is the norm here.
I believe God has a purpose for everything so I am trusting this will work out for good.

I don't look like Cousin It or anything but I need a haircut. I'm thinking I want to change up my color a bit but I am still not sure. I also need to clean. Ugh. I REALLY don't want to. And exercise. I REALLY don't want to but I need to. I've gained weight and I am not happy about it. Since it's SO hot here (It was 107 on Saturday) my only option is 6am. 

Maybe some new kicks will get me going. Aren't these gorgeous?! LOVE the colors! 

 Tips, tricks or hints:
  Not really a tip, trick or hint but it's what's in my heart right now. 

You are whoever you want to be, you just have to decide to be it.

Go link up with, Farley! :)

Don't forget to follow my blog on BlogLovin'! The link is on the top right!


  1. Love your tip/what's on your heart right now! Great thought to end a post on!


  2. I hope everything gets resolved quickly with the hit and run. And I agree with Simone, I love your tip!

    Amy @ The Littlest Superheroes

  3. I LOVE your new running shoes! Those are so cute! Your tip resonates with me right now.
    Thanks Bren!

  4. Wow, thanks for the laminator sale tip - I am now seriously considering this purchase, as I do a TON of laminating at Office Max (I've been at four schools, and all four have had TERRIBLE laminators!)! I did very little "teacher work" in June which I am really glad for, because now I'm getting pumped up for back-to-school work and should have a productive July.

    Those shoes are fabulous! I am new to running and just this week went to get fitted for my first "real" pair of running shoes, and I am so glad I did - they are fantastic. Now that I've put some money down I know I'll stick with it!

    I hope your car issue is resolved quickly :(. People are so uncool sometimes.

    Hope the rest of your summer is terrific!

  5. Just stopping by for July Currently. I need a laminator!!! Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower. Stop by when you get a chance! Happy 4th of July!

    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

  6. Lovin' your blog! Found you through Currently!
    Those shoes are fantastic! I am in desparate need of some new ones myself! And so sorry about your car, but at least they found the person who did it! That truck is so big it could eat your little car for lunch! haha
    Happily a new follower!

  7. Oh man your blog is so stinkin' cute! And I will have to check out that site for the laminator. I have one but the pouches are SO expensive for it! Yuck!

    Make sure to enter my giveaway!

  8. Hey! This is Angela from The Bilingual Teacher. I am nominating your blog for the Liebster Award. It is an award for newer blogs that have less than 200 followers. All the info. is on my blog! I just love your blog! Keep it up!

    The Bilingual Teacher

  9. I love the shoes! I am also super curious to know if you like your new laminator! I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. Head over to my blog for more information.
    Mrs. Holder’s First Grade

  10. So excited to continue to follow you on your new path, always loved reading your blog posts and following your adventures. Thanks web site web hosting ctrentacar


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